APTPL specialize in delivering high-performance polyurethane screeds tailored to meet the diverse needs of various Industries. Our polyurethane screeds and coatings are renowned for their exceptional durability, chemical resistance, and seamless finish, making them the ideal choice for demanding environments be it is an industrial facility, commercial kitchen, pharmaceutical plants, and more.
Whether you require a heavy-duty flooring solution for a high-traffic area or a hygienic surface for a cleanroom environment, we have the expertise and resources to deliver tailored solutions that perfectly match your requirements.
Know More about PU Screeds
Polyurethanes have a much wider hardness range from A to D, whereas the useful hardness range for epoxies would be limited. Polyurethanes tend to be less brittle and have higher tensile elongation than other materials with similar hardness.
- Polyurethanes have a much wider hardness range from A to D, whereas the useful hardness range for epoxies would
be limited. Polyurethanes tend to be less brittle and have higher tensile elongation than other materials with similar
hardness. - Polyurethane floors have much wider heat resistance compared to epoxies
- Polyurethane floor possesses "elastomeric memory" which can withstand considerable amount of deflection (in
tension or compression), without any permanent deformation - The abrasion resistance of Polyurethane is far superior to Epoxies.
- Polyurethanes have slight textured finish forming a “Anti Skid” floor
- Abrasion Resistance of PU floors:
- Classified 'Special Duty under BS8204: Part 2:2002(9]
- Slip Resistance of PU floors:
- Classified 'Satisfactory' Under BS8204: Part 2:2002(9), Wet and dry
- Impact Resistance
- Classified 'High Impact Resistance' under BS 8204: Part 1:1999
- Polyurethane screed is more monolithic with concrete and chances of debonding are less

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Using Innovative Technology
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Guarantee Success of Treatments
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